When flying always think positive. Otherways can happen that the flying company may lose your luggage. Exactly this happen to the Slovenian Laser Radial competitor Marko Radman on the flight to the ISAF Youth Worlds 2014 in Tavira.˙ We are…
TAP Portugal

ISAF Youth 2014

Is our pleasure to be invited from the Slovenian Laser Radial sailor Marko Radman to help him in Tavira (Portugal) during the ISAF Youth Worlds 2014 to achieve one of his best results ever. Good luck Marko. Keep calm and…
BSV Head Coach

Today our coach Sandi Dekleva was contacted via Skype from the BSV Bayerisher Seglerverband (Germany) managers after sending them the application letter for the vacant position of the BSV Landestrainer. Next meeting in Munchen after the ISAF Youth Worlds. B2S…
A. Moccia – XIII Zone Qualification Regatta

Light winds characterised the last qualification regatta for the Italian Opitmist National Championship. More than 80 junior Optis compete to qualify, but just the top twelve are selected for the event. Diego Napolitano from STV, was one of the lucky…
Italian Opti National Team Regatta

A great in-port weekend for Italian Nationals in Opti Team Racing organised from Yacht Club Italiano (Genova). With the perfect weather and winds blowing from South with the intense of 15-20 knots and the help of the Port Authority who…